Thursday, November 24, 2022

Review: HOW TO SELL A HAUNTED HOUSE by Grady Hendrix

Release January 17, 2023

Review: HOW TO SELL A HAUNTED HOUSE is a highly perturbing novel, both due to its terrifying Supernatural elements (by themselves those would be enough to make me "all shook up") but by the depths of, if not exactly depravity, then of foolishness, selfishness, and gross generational deception, throughout several extended families. Those themes I found both griefworthy and highly depressing. However, the talent of Grady Hendrix lifts the novel far above simple Horror and severe family dysfunction and makes it compelling and engrossing.

Caution: contains references to child fatality, self-muilation, gore, physical and psychological pain, surgery, dolls, puppets, fire, drowning.

Monday, November 21, 2022

Tour: ALL THE BLOOD WE SHARE by Camilla Bruce

Release: November 22 2022

Review: 5🌟:

ALL THE BLOOD WE SHARE is a finely melded Historical Fiction character study with Frissons of Supernatural and Spiritualism, that fascinating fad and telling trend of the 19th century, on both sides of the Big Pond (Atlantic Ocean). The renamed "Bender" family, fugitives for their lives, remind me of an ill-driven team of oxen, in which it's every animal for itself, and nothing is accomplished. With these personalities and this degree of conflict, it's no surprise that tension and Suspense ratchet continuously, and self-destruction is the mode du jour.

Wednesday, November 9, 2022

Review (Tour) BISHOP by Candace Nola

I found BISHOP a tremendously exciting story, packed to the brim with maximum suspense, adventure, life-and-death action, close calls, fatality.
Especially if you love the Alaskan Wilderness, Native American legends and mythology, shapeshifters, strong familial bonds, protagonists struggling against impossible odds, themes of Man vs. Nature and Man vs. Supernatural, there's so much excitement and engrossing suspense right here.
BISHOP is a wild nonstop adventure featuring so many of my favorite themes, reading it was like discovering a Christmas/Yule pine, guarding presents stacked head-high!