Monday, April 29, 2019

Review: The Gordon Place

The Gordon Place The Gordon Place by Isaac Thorne
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

After more than six decades of reading horror daily, I cannot recall ever reading a story quite like this one. Weird--and distinctly unique. Set in a tiny town in Tennessee, the story intricately weaves back and forth between contemporary setting and the ugly 1990's, ugly here because the bigotry is still alive and well. Reconstruction had nothing on these folks, who act like they're living in George Wallace's Alabama.

Graham Gordon is the newly elected Town Constable of Lost Hollow, and a more feckless protagonist you are likely never to find. Raised motherless in a horribly abusive environment, he likely will never achieve emotional stability. And then the Supernatural sets in--and all Hades breaks loose.

View all my reviews

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