Friday, December 16, 2016

Review: Conceiving

Conceiving Conceiving by Thomas S. Flowers
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Review: CONCEIVING by Thomas S. Flowers (Subdue #3)

In many ways, I am very fond of CONCEIVING. I appreciate the reader's opportunity to get to better understand and empathize with the characters of Bobby and Luna, plus some newly-introduced characters. I really enjoy the Voodoo of Luna's paternal grandmother, Memaw. The author superbly paints the aura, the "feel," of the rural South, nowadays, and back in the 1950's and 1960', when often the choices were: vote and die, or maybe don't vote and die anyway, just because no one can abide your color. Reading these passages is as clear as living it. And of course, that includes lynching.

After reading in sequence all three of the novels in this engrossing series, I just have one question: Could this be a 7 book series? I don't want to say goodbye!

View all my reviews

1 comment:

  1. Mal, I cannot tell you just how ecstatic I am that you liked my book, all three in fact. As a history major, knowing that you jived with the historical parts makes me smile. I take a lot of pride and care in conveying as accurate a picture as possible.
