Saturday, March 7, 2020

Review: CLOWDERS by Vanessa Morgan

3.5 Stars

Picturesque,  almost anachronistic, Clerveaux, Luxembourg--tucked into a forest, nearby are an historic castle and abbey, within the tiny village are bakery, chocolatier, veterinary practice,  friendly townsfolk.  And cats: healthy,  people-friendly, delightful cats. What a "purr-fect" environment.  Not!
The townspeople are effectually servants to the cats, more specifically to the cats' Protector. "Nine lives of a cat" means one cat demise = nine humans decease. And woe unto anyone who accidentally or intentionally kills a cat, even in euthanasia!

The premise and the supernatural elements are quite intriguing. But the characters put me off [I quite disliked Aidan, the husband-father-veterinarian, who is more of a Peter Pan than a responsible adult; and Lorenza, the selfish femme fatale], and those I did like, wife-mother Jess, and veterinary assistant David, I found wimpy. Also at times the writing didn't seem the best use of language and was stilted. 

This is a 3.5 rating.

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